CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


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                        .valueOf(variableFillValues[variableIndex])),  new Attribute("grid_mapping", 
                        GRID_MAPPING)), dimensions, false /* isLargeFileSupport */,
                false/* fillValue */);

     * Fills the coordinate variables, e.g. latitude, longitude, time.
     * @param outputFileName
     * @param sortedLongitudes
     * @param sortedLatitudes
     * @param dates
     * @param timeRange 
     * @param timeSize 
     * @param blockLongRange 
     * @param blockLongSize 
     * @param blockLatRange 
     * @param blockLatSize 
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws java.text.ParseException
    private void fillCoordinateVariables(String outputFileName, Set<String> sortedLongitudes,
            Set<String> sortedLatitudes, List<String> dates, String blockLatRange, String blockLongRange, String timeRange) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException,
        NcWriteVariable command = new NcWriteVariable();

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill longitude variable
        // create String of latitudes to populate the variable
        StringBuffer longitudeStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (Iterator<String> iter = sortedLongitudes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), LONG, blockLongRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(longitudeStringBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill latitude variable
        // create String of latitudes to populate the variable
        StringBuffer latitudeStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (Iterator<String> iter = sortedLatitudes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), LAT, blockLatRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(latitudeStringBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill time and time_bnds variables
        StringBuffer timeBoundsStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer dateStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        boolean first = true;
        for (String date : dates)
            if (!first)
            first = false;
        int dayAfterLastDay = Integer.parseInt(dates.get(dates.size()-1)) +1;
        String finalString = String.valueOf(dayAfterLastDay);

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), TIME, timeRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(dateStringBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);
        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), TIME_BOUNDS, timeRange+","+NV_RANGE, new ByteArrayInputStream(
                timeBoundsStringBuffer.toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

     * Populates the spatial variables with data
     * @param outputFileName
     *            The netCDF file to be updated
     * @param sortedCellData
     *            The list of cell data in the same order as the spatial coordinates
     * @throws IOException
     *             If the data cannot be read
    private void fillSpatialVariables(String outputFileName, List<CellData> sortedCellData) throws IOException
        NcWriteVariable command = new NcWriteVariable();

        Set<String> latitudes = getSortedLatitudes(sortedCellData);
        Set<String> longitudes = getSortedLongitudes(sortedCellData);
        String spatialRange = "0-" + (latitudes.size() - 1) + ",0-" + (longitudes.size() - 1);

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill elevation variable
        // create String of elevations to populate the variable
        StringBuffer dataBuffer = fillSpatialDataBuffer(sortedCellData, latitudes, longitudes,
                CellDataVariable.ELEVATION, "-999.99");

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), ELEVATION, spatialRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill catchment id variable
        // create String of catchment ids to populate the variable
        dataBuffer = fillSpatialDataBuffer(sortedCellData, latitudes, longitudes, CellDataVariable.CATCHMENTID, "0");

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), CATCHMENT_ID, spatialRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

        // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // fill reporting region id variable
        // create String of reporting region ids to populate the variable
        dataBuffer = fillSpatialDataBuffer(sortedCellData, latitudes, longitudes, CellDataVariable.REPORTINGREGIONID,

        // call command to actually perform fill the file
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), REPORTING_REGION, spatialRange, new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuffer
                .toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

     * @param sortedCellData
     * @param latitudes
     * @param longitudes
     * @param varNum
     * @param fillValue
     * @return
    private StringBuffer fillSpatialDataBuffer(List<CellData> sortedCellData, Set<String> latitudes,
            Set<String> longitudes, CellDataVariable varNum, String fillValue)
        StringBuffer dataBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        int cellNum = 0;
        for (String latVal : latitudes)
            for (String longVal : longitudes)
                if (cellNum < sortedCellData.size())
                    CellData cellData = sortedCellData.get(cellNum);
                    if (cellData.latitude.equals(latVal) && cellData.longitude.equals(longVal))
                        switch (varNum)
                        case ELEVATION:
                        case CATCHMENTID:
                        case REPORTINGREGIONID:


        return dataBuffer;

     * Populate the data variable with fill values. Used to ensure cells within 
     * the rectangular bounds but for which we have no data are set to the fill value. 
     * @param varIndex The variable being filled
     * @param sortedLongitudes The longitudes to fill.
     * @param sortedLatitudes The latitudes to fill
     * @param dates The dates to fill
     * @param dimensionOrdering The order of the dimensions in the files
     * @throws IOException If the data cannot be written
    private void fillDataForLatitude(String filename, int varIndex, Set<String> sortedLongitudes, Set<String> sortedLatitudes,
            List<String> dates, List<String> dimensionOrdering) throws IOException
        StringBuffer fillBlock = new StringBuffer();
        String fillLine = variableFillValues[varIndex] + "\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++)

        NcWriteVariable writeVarCmd = new NcWriteVariable();
        for (String latitude : sortedLatitudes)
            for (String longitude : sortedLongitudes)
                String fillRange = this.constructFillRange(dimensionOrdering, latitude, longitude, dates.size());
                writeVarCmd.execute(new File(filename), variableNames[varIndex], fillRange,
                        new ByteArrayInputStream(fillBlock.toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);

     * Fills the variables with data for a particular latitude.
     * @param variableFileNames The filenames for this latitude for each of the variables
     * @param triples The details of the cells that occur in this latitude 
     * @param dimensionOrdering The order of the dimensions in the files
     * @throws IOException If the data cannot be written
    private void fillDataByLatitudeVariables(String[] variableFileNames, List<CellData> triples, List<String> dimensionOrdering)
            throws IOException
        NcWriteVariable command = new NcWriteVariable();

        int counter = 0;
        for (CellData triple : triples)
            if (++counter % 1000 == 0)
                LOG.warn("   Num files processed: " + counter);

            String csvFileName = triple.getCellId();
            String latitude = triple.getLatitude();
            String longitude = triple.getLongitude();

            String fillRange = this.constructFillRange(dimensionOrdering, latitude, longitude, TIME_SIZE);

                StringBuffer[] valuesStringBuffer = new StringBuffer[numVariables];
                for (int i = 0; i < valuesStringBuffer.length; i++)
                    valuesStringBuffer[i] = new StringBuffer();

                Scanner s = null;
                    s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(INPUT_CSV_DIRECTORY + csvFileName + ".csv")))

                    // remove header line
                    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CSV_COLUMNS; i++)

                    while (s.hasNext())
                        s.next(); // date column

                        for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
                            // Last variable will already have newline at its end.
                            if (i < numVariables - 1)
                    if (s != null)

                    for (int i = 0; i < numVariables; i++)
                        command.execute(new File(variableFileNames[i]), variableNames[i], fillRange,
                                new ByteArrayInputStream(valuesStringBuffer[i].toString().getBytes(ENCODING)), false);
                catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
                    LOG.error("fillRange (date, lat, long): " + fillRange);

            catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)

     * @param dimensionOrdering
     * @param latitude
     * @param longitude
     * @param dates
     * @return
    private String constructFillRange(List<String> dimensionOrdering, String latitude, String longitude, int dateSize)
        String time_range = "0-" + String.valueOf(dateSize - 1);
        String latitude_range = "lookup(" + latitude + ")-lookup(" + latitude + ")";
        String longitude_range = "lookup(" + longitude + ")-lookup(" + longitude + ")";

        String fillRange = new String();
        for (Iterator<String> iter = dimensionOrdering.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            String dimension = iter.next();
            if (dimension.equals(TIME))
                fillRange += time_range;
            else if (dimension.equals(LAT))
                fillRange += latitude_range;
            else if (dimension.equals(LONG))
                fillRange += longitude_range;
            if (iter.hasNext())
                fillRange += ",";
        return fillRange;

     * Groups triples, i.e. <cellId,longitude,latitude> (a row in the WRON lookup file) by degrees of latitude.
     * @param locationLookupValues
     * @return
    private Map<String, List<CellData>> getTriplesGroupedByLatitude(String[][] locationLookupValues)
        Map<String, List<CellData>> triplesGroupedByLatitude = new HashMap<String, List<CellData>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < locationLookupValues.length; i++)
            String cellId = locationLookupValues[i][CELL_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String longitude = locationLookupValues[i][LONG_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String latitude = locationLookupValues[i][LAT_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String elevation = locationLookupValues[i][ELEVATION_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String catchmentId = locationLookupValues[i][CATCHMENT_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String reportingRegionId = locationLookupValues[i][REPORTING_REGION_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];

            String latitudeDegree = String.valueOf(Float.valueOf(latitude).intValue());

            List<CellData> triplesInLatitude = triplesGroupedByLatitude.get(latitudeDegree);
            if (triplesInLatitude == null)
                triplesInLatitude = new ArrayList<CellData>();
                triplesGroupedByLatitude.put(latitudeDegree, triplesInLatitude);
            final CellData cellData = new CellData(cellId, longitude, latitude);
            cellData.elevation = elevation;
            cellData.catchmentId = catchmentId;
            cellData.reportingRegionId = reportingRegionId;

        // check that we have actually grouped all rows by latitude
        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator<String> iter = triplesGroupedByLatitude.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            count += triplesGroupedByLatitude.get(iter.next()).size();
        if (count != locationLookupValues.length)
            LOG.error("latitudes where not grouped by latitude correctly");

        return triplesGroupedByLatitude;

     * Groups dates, e.g. 1895-01-01 by decade.
     * @param dates
     * @return
    public Map<Integer, List<String>> getDatesByDecade(List<String> dates)
        Map<Integer, List<String>> datesGroupedByDecade = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();

        for (String date : dates)
            int year = Integer.valueOf(date.substring(0, 4));
            int decade = year / 10;

            List<String> datesInDecade = datesGroupedByDecade.get(decade);
            if (datesInDecade == null)
                datesInDecade = new ArrayList<String>();
                datesGroupedByDecade.put(decade, datesInDecade);

        // check that we have actually grouped all rows by latitude
        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator<Integer> iter = datesGroupedByDecade.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            count += datesGroupedByDecade.get(iter.next()).size();
        if (count != dates.size())
            LOG.error("dates where not grouped decade correctly");

        return datesGroupedByDecade;

     * Loads all triples, i.e. <cellId,longitude,latitude> (a row in the WRON lookup file).
     * @param locationLookupValues
     * @return
    private List<CellData> getAllTriples(String[][] locationLookupValues)
        List<CellData> allTriples = new ArrayList<CellData>();
        for (int i = 0; i < locationLookupValues.length; i++)
            String cellId = locationLookupValues[i][CELL_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String longitude = locationLookupValues[i][LONG_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String latitude = locationLookupValues[i][LAT_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String elevation = locationLookupValues[i][ELEVATION_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String catchmentId = locationLookupValues[i][CATCHMENT_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];
            String reportingRegionId = locationLookupValues[i][REPORTING_REGION_ID_COLUMN_INDEX];

            CellData cellData = new CellData(cellId, longitude, latitude);
            cellData.elevation = elevation;
            cellData.catchmentId = catchmentId;
            cellData.reportingRegionId = reportingRegionId;

        // check that we have actually grouped all rows by latitude
        if (allTriples.size() != locationLookupValues.length)
            LOG.error("lookup values where not read correctly");

        return allTriples;

     * Parses the WRON lookup file into an row-by-column string matrix.
     * @throws IOException
    private String[][] readLookupFile() throws IOException
        RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(LOCATION_LOOKUP_FILE), "r");
        raf.readLine();// abandon the first line since it is a header line.

        List<String[]> lineList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        String line = raf.readLine();
        while (line != null)
            String[] cols = new CSVTokenizer(line).getAllColumns();
            line = raf.readLine();


        String[][] lineCols = lineList.toArray(new String[][]{});
        return lineCols;

     * Transpose a matrix, e.g. [a][b] -> [b][a]
     * @param gridValues
     * @return
    private String[][] transpose(String[][] gridValues)
        String[][] transposed = new String[gridValues[0].length][gridValues.length];
        for (int rows = 0; rows < gridValues.length; rows++)
            for (int cols = 0; cols < gridValues[0].length; cols++)
                transposed[cols][rows] = gridValues[rows][cols];
        return transposed;

     * Retrieve an ordered set containing all the latitude values from a list of triples.
     * @param triples
     * @return
    private Set<String> getSortedLatitudes(List<CellData> triples)
        Set<String> latitudes = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (CellData triple : triples)
//            if (latitudes.size() >= LAT_SIZE)
//            {
//                break;
//            }
        return latitudes;

     * Retrieve an ordered set containing all the longitude values from a list of triples.
     * @param triples
     * @return
    private Set<String> getSortedLongitudes(List<CellData> triples)
        Set<String> longitudes = new TreeSet<String>();
        for (CellData triple : triples)
//            if (longitudes.size() >= LONG_SIZE)
//            {
//                break;
//            }
        return longitudes;

     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    private List<String> getDates() throws IOException
        List<String> dates = new ArrayList<String>();

        RandomAccessFile raf = null;
            // open any csv file from scenario C directory and read in the date dimension
            File dir = new File(INPUT_CSV_DIRECTORY);
            String[] children = dir.list();
            if (children != null && children.length > 0)
                raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(INPUT_CSV_DIRECTORY + children[0]), "r");
                raf.readLine();// abandon the first line since it is a header line.

                List<String[]> lineList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
                String line = raf.readLine();
                while (line != null)
                    String[] cols = new CSVTokenizer(line).getAllColumns();
                    line = raf.readLine();
                String[][] lineCols = lineList.toArray(new String[][]{});
                dates = Arrays.asList(transpose(lineCols)[DATE_COLUMN_INDEX]); // get the date column
            if (raf != null)

        return dates;

     * Convert the date values into a newline delimited string of days since a given epoc.
     * @param dates
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws java.text.ParseException
    private List<String> getDatesAsDaysSinceEpoc(List<String> dates) throws IOException, java.text.ParseException
        return daysSinceSinceEpocAsString(dates, isoDateTimeFormat.dateOnlyFormat(EPOC_DATE_STRING));

     * Convert a string array representing dates to a list of strings representing the number of days since since a
     * given epoc.
     * @param dates
     * @param epoc
     * @return
     * @throws java.text.ParseException
    private List<String> daysSinceSinceEpocAsString(List<String> dates, Date epoc) throws java.text.ParseException
        List<String> convertedDates = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String date : dates)
            Date currentDate = isoDateTimeFormat.dateOnlyFormat(date);
            convertedDates.add(String.valueOf(daysBetween(epoc, currentDate)));
        return convertedDates;

     * @param d1
     *            the initial date.
     * @param d2
     *            the later date.
     * @return (d2 - d1) in days
    public int daysBetween(Date d1, Date d2)
        return (int) ((d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

    private String generateLatitudeFilename(String latitudeDegree, String variable)
        String filename = OUTPUT_NETCDF_DIRECTORY + COLLECTION + "." + SCENARIO + ".";
        if (MODEL_NAMES[FILE_NAME_MODEL_NAME].length() > 0)

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            MdbsyScenarioCConverter converter = new MdbsyScenarioCConverter();

            if (doSplitByDecade)
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                converter.splitByDecade(startingLatitude, endingLatitude);
                long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
                LOG.warn("Split by decade in: " + end + " ms.");

            if (doSplitByLatitude)
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                converter.splitByLatitude(startingLatitude, endingLatitude);
                long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
                LOG.warn("Split by latitude in: " + end + " ms.");
        catch (MissingOptionException moe)

            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.setOptionComparator(new CommandLineOptionsComparator());
            formatter.printHelp(new PrintWriter(sw), 80, "-", "header", options, 0, 1, "footer");

     * Splits a directory of WRON csv files into corresponding netCDF files that are grouped by degrees of latitude.
     * @throws Exception
    public void splitByLatitude(String startingLatitude, String endingLatitude) throws Exception
        // group each row in lookup file according to latitude
        Map<String, List<CellData>> triplesGroupedByLatitude = this.getTriplesGroupedByLatitude(this.readLookupFile());

        // sort by latitude
        Set<String> latitudeKeySet = triplesGroupedByLatitude.keySet();
        Set<String> limitedLatitudes = convUtils.getLimitedLatitudes(latitudeKeySet, startingLatitude, endingLatitude);
        List<String> latitudeKeyList = new ArrayList<String>(limitedLatitudes);
        Collections.sort(latitudeKeyList, new Comparator<String>()
            public int compare(String o1, String o2)
                return Integer.valueOf(o2).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(o1));

        // for each latitude create a netCDF file.
        for (String latitudeKey : latitudeKeyList)
            LOG.warn("Started work on latitude: " + latitudeKey + ".");
            String latitudeDegree = latitudeKey;
            List<CellData> triples = triplesGroupedByLatitude.get(latitudeDegree);

            // get the values to fill the coordinate variables.
            Set<String> sortedLatitudes = this.getSortedLatitudes(triples);
            int blockLatSize = sortedLatitudes.size();
            String blockLatRange = "0-" + String.valueOf(sortedLatitudes.size() - 1);

            Set<String> sortedLongitudes = this.getSortedLongitudes(triples);
            int blockLongSize = sortedLongitudes.size();
            String blockLongRange = "0-" + String.valueOf(sortedLongitudes.size() - 1);

            // create file names
            String filenames[] = new String[numVariables];
            List<String> dates = this.getDatesAsDaysSinceEpoc(this.getDates());
            for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++)
                filenames[i] = this.generateLatitudeFilename(latitudeDegree, variableNames[i]);
                this.createVariableFile(filenames[i], Arrays.asList(LAT, LONG, TIME), i, TIME_SIZE, blockLatSize, blockLongSize);
                this.fillCoordinateVariables(filenames[i], sortedLongitudes, sortedLatitudes, dates, blockLatRange,
                        blockLongRange, TIME_RANGE);
                this.fillSpatialVariables(filenames[i], triples);
                this.fillDataForLatitude(filenames[i], i, sortedLongitudes, sortedLatitudes, dates, Arrays.asList(LAT,
                        LONG, TIME));

            // for each cellId csv file we read, we will have available the values for both rainFall and PVET, therefore
            // it makes sense to fill these variables at the same time.
            this.fillDataByLatitudeVariables(filenames, triples, Arrays.asList(LAT, LONG, TIME));

     * Splits a directory of WRON csv files into corresponding netCDF files that are grouped by decade.
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public void splitByDecade(String startingLatitude, String endingLatitude) throws Exception
        // get all rows in lookup file
        List<CellData> triples = this.getAllTriples(this.readLookupFile());

        // get the values to fill the coordinate variables.
        Set<String> sortedLatitudes = this.getSortedLatitudes(triples);
        String blockLatRange = "0-" + String.valueOf(sortedLatitudes.size() - 1);

        Set<String> sortedLongitudes = this.getSortedLongitudes(triples);
        String blockLongRange = "0-" + String.valueOf(sortedLongitudes.size() - 1);
        String startingLongitude = new ArrayList<String>(sortedLongitudes).get(0);

        // groups dates by decade
        Map<Integer, List<String>> datesByDecade = this.getDatesByDecade(this.getDates());

        // sort by decade
        Set<Integer> decadeKeySet = datesByDecade.keySet();
        List<Integer> decadeKeyList = new ArrayList<Integer>(decadeKeySet);
        Map<Integer, String[]> allFilenames = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>();
        // for each decade create a netCDF file.
        int start = 0;
        int end = start;
        int filenameStart = 0;
        for (Integer decadeKey : decadeKeyList)
            LOG.warn("Started work on decade: " + decadeKey + "0s.");
            LOG.warn("  Mem: " + getMemDisplay());
            List<String> dates = datesByDecade.get(decadeKey);
            end = end + dates.size();

            int blockTimeSize = dates.size();
            String blockTimeRange = "0-" + String.valueOf(dates.size() - 1);

            // create file names
            String decadeStr = String.valueOf(decadeKey + "0");

            String filenames[] = new String[numVariables];
            dates = this.getDatesAsDaysSinceEpoc(dates);
            for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++)
                filenames[i] = this.generateDecadeFilename(decadeStr, variableNames[i]);
                if ("".equals(startingLatitude))
                    this.createVariableFile(filenames[i], Arrays.asList(TIME, LAT, LONG), i, blockTimeSize, LAT_SIZE, LONG_SIZE);
                    this.fillCoordinateVariables(filenames[i], sortedLongitudes, sortedLatitudes, dates, blockLatRange,
                            blockLongRange, blockTimeRange);
                    this.fillSpatialVariables(filenames[i], triples);
            allFilenames.put(decadeKey, filenames);
            filenameStart += numVariables;

        LOG.warn(" Latitude limits : " + startingLatitude + " to " + endingLatitude + ".");
        int numBlocks = LAT_SIZE / ROW_CHUNK_SIZE + (LAT_SIZE % ROW_CHUNK_SIZE > 0 ? 1 : 0);
        Calendar baseCal = convUtils.getCalendar(new Date());
        baseCal.set(1895, 0, 1);

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        if (METADATA_FILE.length() > 0)
            globalAttrs.addAll(NetCDFUtils.readAttributesFromStream(new FileInputStream(METADATA_FILE)));
        NcDefineAttributes ncDefineAttr = new NcDefineAttributes();
        ncDefineAttr.execute(outputFileName, globalAttrs, false /* isLargeFileSupport */);

        String dimensions = "";
        for (String dimension : dimensionOrdering)
            dimensions += dimension + " ";
        this.defineVariable(outputFileName, dimensions, variableIndex);

     * Define the dimensions for a WRON netCDF file, e.g. latitude, longitude, time.
     * @param outputFileName
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     * @throws ParseException
     * @throws IOException
    private void defineDimensions(String outputFileName, List<String> dimensionOrdering, int blockTimeSize, int blockLatSize, int blockLongSize)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException, IOException
        NcDefineDimension command = new NcDefineDimension();

        for (String dimName : dimensionOrdering)
            if (dimName.equals(TIME))
                command.execute(outputFileName, TIME, blockTimeSize, false /* isUnlimited */, false/* fillValue */);
            else if (dimName.equals(LAT))
                command.execute(outputFileName, LAT, blockLatSize, false /* isUnlimited */, false/* fillValue */);
            else if (dimName.equals(LONG))
                command.execute(outputFileName, LONG, blockLongSize, false /* isUnlimited */, false/* fillValue */);
        // Add NV as the final dimension
        command.execute(outputFileName, NV, NV_SIZE, false /* isUnlimited */, false/* fillValue */);

     * Defines the coordinate variables for a WRON netCDF file, e.g. latitude, longitude, time.
     * @param outputFileName
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     * @throws ParseException
     * @throws IOException
    private void defineCoordinateVariables(String outputFileName) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException,
        NcDefineVariable command = new NcDefineVariable();

        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), LAT, DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute("units", LAT_UNITS),
                new Attribute("long_name", LAT_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("standard_name", LAT_STANDARD_NAME), new Attribute("axis", LAT_AXIS)), LAT,
                false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), LONG, DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(
                new Attribute("long_name", LONG_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("units", LONG_UNITS), new Attribute("standard_name", LONG_STANDARD_NAME), new Attribute(
                        "axis", LONG_AXIS)), LONG, false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), TIME, DataType.INT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute("units", TIME_UNITS),
                new Attribute("long_name", TIME_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("standard_name", TIME_STANDARD_NAME),
                new Attribute("axis", TIME_AXIS), new Attribute("calendar", TIME_CALENDAR), new Attribute("bounds",
                        TIME_BOUNDS)), TIME, false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), TIME_BOUNDS, DataType.INT, new ArrayList<Attribute>(), TIME + " "
                + NV, false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), GRID_MAPPING, DataType.INT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute(
                "grid_mapping_name", CRS_GRID_MAPPING_NAME), new Attribute("longitude_of_prime_meridian",
                CRS_LONGITUDE_OF_PRIME_MERIDIAN), new Attribute("semi_major_axis", CRS_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS),
                new Attribute("inverse_flattening", CRS_INVERSE_FLATTENING)), "",
                false /* isLargeFileSupport */, true/* fillValue */);

     * Defines the spatial metadata variables for a WRON netCDF file, e.g. elevation, catchment id etc.
     * @param outputFileName
     *            The file to written to
     * @throws IOException
     *             If the definitions cannot be written
    private void defineSpatialVariables(String outputFileName) throws IOException
        NcDefineVariable command = new NcDefineVariable();

        String spatialDim = LAT + " " + LONG;
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), ELEVATION, DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute("units",
                ELEVATION_UNITS), new Attribute("standard_name", ELEVATION_STANDARD_NAME), new Attribute("long_name",
                ELEVATION_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("_FillValue", ELEVATION_MISSING_VALUE), new Attribute(
                "grid_mapping", GRID_MAPPING)), spatialDim, false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
                .execute(new File(outputFileName), CATCHMENT_ID, DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute(
                        "long_name", CATCHMENT_ID_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("_FillValue", CATCHMENT_ID_MISSING_VALUE), new Attribute(
                        "grid_mapping", GRID_MAPPING)), spatialDim, false /* isLargeFileSupport */, false/* fillValue */);
                .execute(new File(outputFileName), REPORTING_REGION, DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(new Attribute(
                        "long_name", REPORTING_REGION_LONG_NAME), new Attribute("_FillValue", REPORTING_REGION_MISSING_VALUE), new Attribute(
                                "grid_mapping", GRID_MAPPING)), spatialDim, false /* isLargeFileSupport */,
                        false/* fillValue */);

     * Defines the rainFall variable
     * @param outputFileName
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParseException
    private void defineVariable(String outputFileName, String dimensions, int variableIndex)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, ParseException
        NcDefineVariable command = new NcDefineVariable();
        command.execute(new File(outputFileName), variableNames[variableIndex], variableDataTypes[variableIndex],
                Arrays.asList(new Attribute("units", variableUnits[variableIndex]), new Attribute("long_name",
                        variableLongNames[variableIndex]), new Attribute("missing_value", Float
                        .valueOf(variableMissingValues[variableIndex])), new Attribute("_FillValue", Float
                        .valueOf(variableFillValues[variableIndex])),  new Attribute("grid_mapping", 

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au\csiro\netcdf\wron\MdbsyScenarioAConverter.java 471
au\csiro\netcdf\wron\MdbsyScenarioCConverter.java 493
        baseCal.set(1895, 0, 1);
        Set<String> limitedLatitudes = convUtils.getLimitedLatitudes(sortedLatitudes, startingLatitude, endingLatitude);
        for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < numBlocks; blockNum++)
            LOG.warn(" Processing block : " + blockNum + ".");
            LOG.warn("  Mem: " + getMemDisplay());
            // Grab the next set of latitudes to be read
            List<String> lats = convUtils.getLatitudeBlock(limitedLatitudes, blockNum, ROW_CHUNK_SIZE);
            if (lats.isEmpty())
                LOG.warn(" Skipping block as it is outside the latitude range.");
                LOG.warn(" Processing latitudes : " + lats + ".");
                // Build a set of files covering those latitudes
                List<CellData> targetCells = convUtils.buildCsvFilenamesForLatitudes(lats, triples, INPUT_CSV_DIRECTORY, ".csv");
                // Read all data from the file set
                LOG.warn(" Reading data from CSVs...");
                Map<Integer, Map<String, LongitudeRange>> latData = convUtils.readDataByLatitudes(targetCells, lats,
                        numVariables, TIME_SIZE, LONG_SIZE, variableFillValues, startingLongitude);
                // Write out the data in latitude blocks
                LOG.warn(" Writing data to netCDF...");
                LOG.warn("  Mem: " + getMemDisplay());
                convUtils.writeLatDataByDecade(latData, allFilenames, variableNames, baseCal.getTime());
                LOG.warn(" Writing finished.");

    public String getMemDisplay() 
        Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
        NumberFormat numFmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append(numFmt.format(rt.totalMemory() / 1024.0));
        sb.append(" Kb total, ");
        sb.append(numFmt.format(rt.freeMemory() / 1024.0));
        sb.append(" Kb free, ");
        sb.append(numFmt.format(rt.maxMemory() / 1024.0));
        sb.append(" Kb max.");
        return sb.toString();
     * Defines a netCDF file for the rainFall variable, but does not fill the variables
     * @param outputFileName
     * @throws Exception
    private void createVariableFile(String outputFileName, List<String> dimensionOrdering, int variableIndex, int blockTimeSize, int blockLatSize, int blockLongSize)
            throws Exception
        this.defineDimensions(outputFileName, dimensionOrdering, blockTimeSize, blockLatSize, blockLongSize);

        // Add attributes
        DateFormat utcDateTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
        Attribute converter = new Attribute("History", utcDateTime.format(new Date()) + " Converted to netCDF by "
                + "$Id: MdbsyScenarioCConverter.java 84 2010-08-25 05:56:46Z robertbridle $"); 

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    private static final String TIME_CALENDAR = "Gregorian";
    private static final String TIME_AXIS = "T";
    private static final String TIME_BOUNDS = "time_bnds";

    // longitude constants
    private static final String LONG = "longitude";
    private static final int LONG_COLUMN_INDEX = 1;
    private static final String LONG_RANGE = "0-296";
    private static final int LONG_SIZE = 297;
    private static final String LONG_UNITS = "degrees_east";
    private static final String LONG_STANDARD_NAME = "longitude";
    private static final String LONG_AXIS = "X";
    private static final String LONG_LONG_NAME = "longitude";

    // latitude constants
    private static final String LAT = "latitude";
    private static final int LAT_COLUMN_INDEX = 2;
    private static final String LAT_RANGE = "0-278";
    private static final int LAT_SIZE = 279;
    private static final String LAT_UNITS = "degrees_north";
    private static final String LAT_STANDARD_NAME = "latitude";
    private static final String LAT_AXIS = "Y";
    private static final String LAT_LONG_NAME = "latitude";

    // num values constants
    private static final String NV = "nv";
    private static final String NV_RANGE = "0-1";
    private static final int NV_SIZE = 2;

    // elevation constants
    private static String ELEVATION = "elev";
    private static int ELEVATION_COLUMN_INDEX = 3;
    private static final String ELEVATION_UNITS = "m";
    private static final String ELEVATION_STANDARD_NAME = "altitude";
    private static final String ELEVATION_LONG_NAME = "Elevation above sea level";
    private static final float ELEVATION_MISSING_VALUE = -999.99f;

    // catchment id constants
    private static String CATCHMENT_ID = "catchmentId";
    private static int CATCHMENT_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 4;
    private static final String CATCHMENT_ID_LONG_NAME = "MDB Catchment Id";
    private static final float CATCHMENT_ID_MISSING_VALUE = 0f;

    // reporting region id constants
    private static String REPORTING_REGION = "repRegionId";
    private static int REPORTING_REGION_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 5;
    private static String REPORTING_REGION_LONG_NAME = "MDB Reporting Region Id";
    private static final float REPORTING_REGION_MISSING_VALUE = 0f;

    // crs constants
    private static String CRS_GRID_MAPPING_NAME = "latitude_longitude";  
    private static float CRS_LONGITUDE_OF_PRIME_MERIDIAN = 0.0f;
    private static float CRS_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS = 6378137.0f;
    private static float CRS_INVERSE_FLATTENING = 298.257222101f;
    // cell id
    private static final int CELL_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 0;

    // Other cell data

    // date conversion constants
    private static final String EPOC_DATE_STRING = "1895-01-01";

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au\csiro\netcdf\wron\MdbsyScenarioAConverter.java 1332
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            filename += MODEL_NAMES[FILE_NAME_MODEL_NAME] + ".";
        if (CASE.length() > 0)
            filename += CASE + ".";
        filename += "Decade-" + decadeStr +  ".Var-" + variable + NETCDF_FILE_EXTENSION;
        return filename;

     * Displays the contents of the in-memory data structure/
     * @param lookup
    private void printLookupInMemory(Map<Integer, Map<String, LongitudeRange>> lookup)
        for (Iterator<Integer> dateIter = lookup.keySet().iterator(); dateIter.hasNext();)
            Integer dateKey = dateIter.next();

            for (Iterator<String> latIter = lookup.get(dateKey).keySet().iterator(); latIter.hasNext();)
                String latitude = latIter.next();
                System.out.println("\t" + latitude);

                LongitudeRange longitudeRange = lookup.get(dateKey).get(latitude);
                System.out.println("\t\t" + longitudeRange.getStartLongitudeRange() + "-"
                        + longitudeRange.getEndLongitudeRange());

    public enum CellDataVariable

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au\csiro\netcdf\wron\MdbsyScenarioAConverter.java 219
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    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MdbsyScenarioCConverter.class.getName());

    /** Conversion utilities  */
    private ConversionUtils convUtils = new ConversionUtils();

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        Options options = new Options();
            Option inputDirectory = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir").hasArg().withDescription(
                    " 1: the directory containing the csv files for the scenario.").isRequired(true).withLongOpt(

            Option lookupFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg()
                    .withDescription(" 2: the cellId lookup file.").isRequired(true).withLongOpt("lookupFile").create(

            Option outputDirectory = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir").hasArg().withDescription(
                    " 3: the output directory.").isRequired(true).withLongOpt("outputDirectory").create("o");

            Option scenario = OptionBuilder.withArgName("text").hasArg().withDescription(
                    " 4: the modelling scenario used to name the netCDF file.").isRequired(true).withLongOpt("scenario")
            Option model = OptionBuilder.withArgName("text").hasArg().withDescription(

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            // parse the command line arguments
            CommandLine parsedCommandLine = new BasicParser().parse(options, args);

            INPUT_CSV_DIRECTORY = (parsedCommandLine.hasOption("inputDirectory")) ? parsedCommandLine
                    .getOptionValue("inputDirectory") : "";
            LOCATION_LOOKUP_FILE = (parsedCommandLine.hasOption("lookupFile")) ? parsedCommandLine
                    .getOptionValue("lookupFile") : "";
            OUTPUT_NETCDF_DIRECTORY = (parsedCommandLine.hasOption("outputDirectory")) ? parsedCommandLine
                    .getOptionValue("outputDirectory") : "";
            SCENARIO = (parsedCommandLine.hasOption("scenario")) ? parsedCommandLine.getOptionValue("scenario") : "";
            METADATA_FILE = (parsedCommandLine.hasOption("metadataFile")) ? parsedCommandLine
                    .getOptionValue("metadataFile") : "";

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au\csiro\netcdf\NcWriteVariable.java 586
au\csiro\netcdf\NcWriteVariable.java 652
    void readBinaryData(DataInputStream dataIn, Array buffer) throws IOException
        Class cls = buffer.getElementType();// getClass();
        boolean isFloat = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Float");
        boolean isDouble = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Double");
        boolean isLong = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Long");
        boolean isInt = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Int");
        boolean isChar = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Char");
        boolean isByte = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Byte");
        boolean isBoolean = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Boolean");
        boolean isShort = cls.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Short");

        int i = 0;
        while (i < buffer.getSize())